Monday 2 January 2012

We're here!!!

Nicole and I have just finished unpacking into our cozy apartment in Antibes and I'm in love with it! It is a two bedroom apartment attached to a villa owned by a really lovely family that was kind enough to pick us up at the airport in Nice. Anyways, the redeye flight from Toronto and three hour layover in London actually doesn't have us that jetlagged at all really and we're really excited to finally take possession of this apartment! Before we even started unpacking we decided to do a little grocery shopping at the "Casino" which is what supermarkets are called over here. It's about a three minute walk from our apartment, literally across the street. We bought all the french staples: baguettes, cheese, tea, wine, more cheese etc. and our first meal consisted of all those things. We originally bought a frozen pizza but that totally fell through...turns out frozen pizzas are more like crepes!
I'm also really shocked to find that most of the people don't speak English here. The last time I was in the South of France two summers ago EVERYONE was happy to speak English with me, but now no dice. I guess because it's low season? Our landlords, the people at the store and at the airport could not speak a word of English. It's nice though because I am practically being forced to learn french so no complaints! :) 

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