Thursday 12 January 2012

the Black Friday of Europe

Yesterday we decided to go shopping in Nice, which is an easy 20 minute train ride away. So, obviously, still being new here, we decided to take the 1 hour and a half crammed and stuffy city bus that stops and goes the entire way to old Nice. As horrifying as that was, it was only a euro, and I felt like it was a good option considering we were going to Nice to go shopping and spend money anyways. It wasn't, oh well. Anyways, we had heard about these sales that start on January 11th that equate to Boxing Day sales in Canada or Black Friday in the States. So, being girls, we were beyond thrilled. We packed our euros and our water bottles and headed for downtown Nice. I remember when I lived in Rome this passed summer of the amazing sales in July and figured it would be similar, and it turned out it was. Cheap name brands, long lines, crowded streets and angry women. We visited about 5 or 6 stores and came out with great finds: boots, dresses, makeup, soap and onesy pajama outfits (not my purchase, just Nicole hahaha) I was happy with my finds, but I couldn't help but feel competitive the whole day. I am not usually a competitive person, but it's hard to stay in a peaceful state of mind when all these French women are pushing through you to get to the sales racks. I was always running to racks and squeezing through other shoppers to get around them. It was such a weird day, I never act like that. Shopping is usually always such a stress reliever for me, and it's something I love and that I feel like I can always count on to make me feel happiness. As crazy as that sounds, I'm sure most girls understand these feelings.

Either way, it was a fantastic day and to top it off we found an American restaurant and had wings and beer. After dinner we went to the Promenade des Anglais, which is essentially the boardwalk in Nice, to watch the sunset. Another perfect day :)

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