Wednesday 1 February 2012

More things to do in Monaco!

Classes were cancelled again today because of snow. But it turned out to be one of my most favourite days here so far. It was so sunny, about nine degrees and no clouds in the sky. So, we decided to make the most of it and my friend Ryan, Nicole and I went to Monaco for the day. We wanted to go a little less dressed up and really explore this city (country, or whatever.) We walked ALOT and ended up skating near the port. It was only 6 euros to rent a pair of skates for half an hour. So worth it. We also walked up to the palace and got an amazing view of Monaco. We went out for lunch, ate crepes and went to a petting zoo too. To top it all off, we ventured our way back towards the casino and found a Laduree store, which is Nicole's favourite thing in the whole world. They sell the best macarons. I had raspberry, so yummy.
Here's some moments from today! xxx

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