Sunday 5 February 2012

France wants to give me money?!

Ohhh, look what I came across today. I was all about saving my money as much as possible until I saw this. Now all I want to do is go shopping:

Non-EU residents are eligible to receive a refund of the Value Added Tax (VAT, or détaxe TVA in French) on goods purchased in France. This is 12-15% for regular goods, up to 33% for luxury goods (no refunds applicable for food, beverage, tobacco products, postage stamps, weapons, cultural treasures, and consumer vehicles).

How it Works
  • Find a participating store (not every store wants to bother with the paperwork, nor are they required); all department stores and most luxury shops offer the refund. Look for the Tax-Free sticker on the door of smaller boutiques.
  • Spend over €175 within one store on the same day.
  • The shop assistant will fill out a special form (you’ll need your passport or a copy) that you need to keep with your receipt.
  • Have the form stamped at the airport customs desk before leaving the EU. Give yourself an extra hour at the airport for this. Have the items purchased handy in case customs agents want to see them. Mail the form back to the store (many provide pre-addressed envelopes for this) within three months to receive the refund by credit card or check.

It's decided. I'm buying a REALLY nice pair of shoes and/or a REALLY nice handbag. I deserve it.
This is also really good news for anyone wanting to shop in Europe. I did a little research and this is true all over the EU.

Happy shopping!

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