Monday, 20 February 2012

Getting motivated in the French Riviera

It has been a huge obstacle to overcome since being here, and I can't quite seem to figure it out, but I cannot get myself to be motivated to do anything strenuous over here. Whether if it's strenuous on my mind or on my body. Don't get me wrong, I have been doing quite a bit of thinking and walking since being here, but there is something about this French laissez-faire attitude that has gotten the best of me.
As you know, I am here for school. That is supposed to be my main focus, not shopping and not sightseeing. But, I can't remember this last time I actually did schoolwork here. I mean, yes, I had one exam, but I studied for probably about two hours in total for it, which is nothing compared to studying for a test back home. I just can't be bothered here. I have so many things I would rather do: go walk along the beach, go on a day trip somewhere, hang out with friends, go to the market, or whatever else really. Anything but schoolwork.
And to be honest, this trip has quickly become more of a vacation then a semester abroad. I'm not mad about it, just a bit disappointed in myself. I am usually a bit of a keener when it comes to my studies, but with all this beautiful weather and all of this charming French culture, I have become easily distracted.
I am taking eight courses here in France, so you think I would be busy and going crazy, but no. The school system here is so dramatically different than the Canadian system, that is seems ridiculously easy and laughable. Even though I am enrolled in my final year of a bachelor degree program back in Canada, I am enrolled in a Masters Program here in France. So, essentially, the Canadian undergraduate system is on par with the French postgraduate system. The "professors" are very laidback here when it comes to assigning work and only one class I've been in has had a syllabus. I asked my professor of Advertising and Communication how we were being evaluated and he said that "he didn't know." My other professor of Value Management, which is a luxury brand course, told me that he still hasn't decided - the course has been over for three weeks now and he promised he would send us a project outline "soon". We'll see about that.
Courses here will either give 4 or 2 credits, depending on if they are 30 hours or 15 hours in total. My university back home  (Ryerson) has an agreement with SKEMA (the university I go to here) that 6 credits from SKEMA equals one credit back at Ryerson. And , since I am taking four courses that give me four credits and four courses that give me two credits, I will be getting 4 credits back at Ryerson for doing this semester in France. I have also signed myself up for a course to do through correspondence from back home, which I have only just started. The Professor has been really good about giving exchange students some slack and keeping us up to date with what's going on back in the Toronto class. But, I really need to step up my game on this.
So now, it's down to crunch time. I've seen the gorgeous area that I live in and I've had about two months to bask in its beauty, and now I need to start concentrating on what I really came here for.  I don't see the weather getting worse, it's only going to get better from now until May (which is when I go back to Toronto) so I should figure out a way to get myself motivated before this beautiful corner of the world overtakes my intelligence. Any ideas?

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