Thursday, 15 March 2012

France in the Springtime...sigh!

Sorry it's been a while! Since my last post, I have spent 10 spectacular days in Toronto visiting friends and family for my "spring break." It was a much needed vacation at my home away from home...away from my home? I also got upgraded to British Airways' first class which was a special little treat!
So, now that I am back I have more exciting things to write about, er, well sort of anyways. Life here has been a little bit mundane, but in a good way. Get up, eat breakfast, go out and take in the scenery (beach mostly) and come home, cook dinner, drink a few glasses of wine with some friends and go to sleep.
Yes, France has been lovely, my posts over the past three months have proven that. But nothing has been quite as lovely as experiencing the springtime here in this beautiful corner of the world: nestled between Italy and the Mediterranean.
The weather has been wonderful so, of course, I've been to the beach just about everyday this week. It doesn't hurt that the beach is only a short eight minute walk from my doorstep (Yes, I've timed it.)
However, my pale Canadian skin has taken quite a beating and isn't looking quite as bronzed as I was hoping for, more of a reddish hue actually...but I'm convinced it will turn into a tan if I nourish it well enough. Aloe! Aloe! Aloe!
So, today I have covered up my sun-battered body and have taken it upon myself to venture away from the beach and into the streets. The tiny, charming, cobblestoned little streets of Antibes. Everyone is one patios, drinking beers, wearing cardigans and enjoying the company of friends. Mothers are pushing their babies in posh little strollers and elderly couples are walking their cute little puppies.
Babies, puppies, beach... enough said. The South of France is the place to be.
My academic portion of my week has been rather strenuous so I'm trying to stay focused on that, but its so distracting...with the sun...and the palm trees.
Hopefully I will have something more worth-your-time to write about in the near future. My plans for the upcoming week are mostly school related, but then I'm headed back to Ventimiglia on Friday to shop.
The week after that perhaps this site will get a little more exciting again as I'm headed to Africa! No, not the safari and tribal type your thinking of...think more Arab Africa, Sahara Desert, Camels. Yup, I'm headed to Morocco! More details to come!

That's all for now.